A Practical Guide to a Slow Morning

A Practical Guide to a Slow Morning

By sanjit Posted 12-09-2024 Architecture

Each day unfolds with the demands of managing family responsibilities, meeting increasing work pressures, and staying updated with a continuously evolving lifestyle and emerging technologies. This constant engagement often leads to stress, various health issues, and eventual burnout, as individuals struggle to balance their personal and professional lives while neglecting their self-care needs.

A great way to counter these effects is by consciously and mindfully practising a slow morning routine. Successfully implementing this concept can prove to be challenging as some of our first thoughts of the day that take over our mind are potentially our goals, chores, and responsibilities for the day. However, adopting a slower morning routine can help achieve a greater peace of mind, higher energy levels, an improved mood, and a better sense of purpose.

It is not necessary to practice a slow morning every day as it is meant to bring about a stark contrast to the rest of your day. However, make sure to practice a slow morning routine at least once a week to reap its benefits.

A Deliberate Slow Start to the Day

People’s lives are increasingly being governed by smartphones. Fight the impulse to check your phone first thing in the morning and make the conscious decision to reduce screen time, thereby avoiding getting distracted and overwhelmed by notifications. Draw your focus inward rather than immediately reacting to external elements when you wake up. The habit of checking the phone first thing in the morning jolts your brain into a state of alertness and sets a hurried tone for the day.

It is important to understand that the brain transitions from deep sleep delta waves to theta waves. These waves are responsible for learning, problem-solving, and memory. This state makes your mind more malleable and receptive to positive suggestions. So instead of waking up and using the phone immediately, try repeating words of affirmation instead and watch your day unfold positively. Use simple statements like ‘I am capable’ or ‘I am beautiful’ and so on to bring about a positive mental shift.

Proceed to prepare and drink a warm beverage like your favourite herbal tea. The simple act of brewing tea and sipping it slowly will help ground you and appreciate each moment rather than rushing through the day with your regular morning caffeine fix. Warm beverages are also known to calm the body, thus aiding you in successfully carrying out a slow morning routine.

Bringing About Clarity

Journaling is another effective practice for a slow morning as it provides an emotional release. The mind is in a reflective state when waking up making it the ideal time to pen down your thoughts. It could be a few lines about your feelings, of gratitude or reflections from the previous day. Writing helps process emotions, reduces anxiety, and starts the day with a positive mindset. Nurture this step into a habit where thoughts can flow freely without judgment. It not only helps gain mental clarity, reduce stress, and set a positive tone for the day but also serves as a personal record that can be used to track your growth.

Journaling can also be used to set intentions for the day. It can be simple intentions like ‘I will have a great day at work’, ‘I will practice patience in the face of adversities’, and so on. This step will prepare the body to react to any stressful situations encountered during the day.

A State of Calm

Meditation, a powerful practice, helps one focus on being in the present moment. Dedicating even ten minutes to this practice can positively impact how the rest of the day unfolds. Start by choosing a comfortable spot and position to sit in, and focusing on your breathing. The key to meditation lies in letting go of worldly distractions and being fully present. Building this into practice over time allows one to increase self-awareness, introduce calmness, and reduce anxiety as your breath flows throughout the body.

Meditation can also be paired with yoga to amplify the benefits. Incorporating gentle breathing and stretches like cat-cow, child’s pose, downward facing dog, chair pose, mountain pose, and so on, helps in keeping the body grounded and being one with nature. Focus on the breathing aspect while holding each pose as this will ensure adequate flow of oxygen throughout the body muscles, promoting relaxation and increasing energy. You may also like to explore sound healing.

Incorporating any or all of these practices into a slow morning routine works toward nurturing the mind and body before jumping into a long day. The purpose is to get your mind and body to be present, mindful, relaxed, and compassionate, laying the foundation for a productive and peaceful day.

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