How to Create Inspiring Workspaces at Home

How to Create Inspiring Workspaces at Home

By sanjit Posted 14-06-2021 Architecture

Many professionals and entrepreneurs have settled into various work-from-home routines of their own, during the pandemic. There is speculation that the amount of remote jobs will grow over the next few years too. This makes finding a place to feel productive and creative inside your own abode immensely relevant. Our surroundings have a powerful effect on mood, emotions and day-to-day productivity. Creating a comfortable and appealing environment at home will not only inspire you to complete your work-related tasks, but it also helps you enjoy your surroundings while doing so. Here are a few effective ideas that can help you create Inspiring workspaces or the perfect home office to keep your creative energy flowing.

Lighting matters

Inadequate lighting in the form of dim or harsh light fixtures can impact your ability to focus on a task and can even lead to headaches. In contrast, a bright, airy, well-lit space promotes functionality, giving you the space to think. Setting up a workspace near your window helps you gain adequate sunlight, boosting your mood and productivity. Alternatively, if natural light is limited in your space, make use of ambient lighting, task lighting as well as accent lighting to create the right ambience to enhance work performance. Similarly, wall-mounted lights are helpful to obtain focused light without taking up too much desk space.

Be organised and clutter-free

Maintaining a pared-down desk free of clutter is vital to the work-from-home routine as it evokes a sense of calm. A minimalist desk, for instance, topped with a few objects — laptop, smartphone, paperwork and lamp — is helpful to keep a clear head. Handy storage for frequently used stationery such as your planner, pens, notepad, and files is recommended for when you require these items at a moment’s notice. You can even set aside around five minutes every day to empty a drawer or shelf. This even helps you refocus and offers a change of perspective from your usual tasks. Using an ergonomically designed chair ensures that unwarranted stress does not fall on your spine and neck. It offers posture support and reduces the breaks you take as a result of feeling uncomfortable, thereby encouraging your productivity to flow. 

Conceal wiring

Making sure wiring is appropriately concealed — including system, network and printer requirements — and plug points are easily accessible is vital for adding some form of structure to your workspace. This in turn creates a neat and clean look. Avoid overwhelming all of your outlets by using a power strip. This keeps all your tech devices charged, within reach and organised. Opting for cable organisers helps conceal wires of the printer, laptop and mouse effectively and also gives you immense flexibility, especially when you want to use different sides of the table.

Choose the right fragrance

Fragrances can positively influence your mood. Beyond adding a pleasant smell to your workspace, certain essential oils can even improve work performance. Peppermint, for instance, helps in elevating your mood while rosemary is great for enhancing concentration and improving memory. Even the scent of a burning candle or fragrance sticks can calm your mind. 

Incorporate your unique style

Spruce up your workspace with your individualistic style. This helps put you at ease and exudes warm, welcoming vibes. Paint the home office in the colour you prefer or go in for soothing colours like green or blue to evoke a sense of calm and spark creativity. Infuse personality into this space with personal photographs, a piece of art, a treasured rug, a library of your favourite books or even good luck charms. Placing an archive of inspiring resources close by for your creative work or having the space filled with items that motivate you, such as a vision board, can work wonders. 

Alternatively, adding a desk or floor plant for some visual variety works wonders. It adds a breath of fresh air especially when your eyes need a break from the screen. Avoid that unproductive slump by taking meaningful breaks to walk around your block or learn about innovations in your field. 

The location of your workspace at home is also immensely vital. Choosing a space that is neither too isolated nor too public makes it easy to strike the ideal balance between work and rejuvenation. In case you have multiple bedrooms, one of the first bedrooms can be used as a workspace. If you have a house spanning multiple floors, dedicating the ground floor as your office space is a good idea. Kasu Homes’ upcoming project, Kasu Zira’, in Reis Magos blends luxury, style and comfort to offer a vacation-style living experience that makes working remotely a delight. 

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