Home Decor Trends For 2022 - What's Hot And What's Not

Home Decor Trends For 2022 - What's Hot And What's Not

By sanjit Posted 06-01-2022 Architecture

Home decor has been a requisite since the days of yore. Your home’s interior design reflects not just your personality, but ties together a central theme. The right home decor trends can embrace your living space with a sense of peace. The past few years have served as testimony to the value of your home in regulating your mood and overall well-being. 

Your home decor directly dictates the quality of your life. Home decor, in the past couple of years, has been massively influenced by the changes the pandemic brought. These ideas and installations have helped people better cope with being at home and in a lockdown. Read on to find out what trends you should fall back on and what you should avoid in order to sail through what could be another year of working from home.

What’s Hot?

Biophilic Design

Your home is meant to bring you comfort. A touch of nature in your living spaces can go a long way in ensuring your mental and physical well-being. Natural building materials such as stone floors, wood walls, clay-tiled roofs, and marble countertops are making their way into 2022. Apart from this, furniture in bamboo or wood, decor in terracotta or travertine, indoor plants, and small terrace/ balcony gardens can all enhance your home and emotional health with a touch of the wild. Biophilic designs are known to increase productivity, boost mood and motivation, and reduce stress, all of which are crucial, especially when you’re working from home. They can create a sense of calmness and grounding and touch up your living spaces with a little bit of rustic elegance and sophistication.

Earthy Palettes

A lot of interior designers are noticing that earthy tones, especially the many shades of brown and even green are making a comeback. From caramel and camel to chocolate browns and hues of green such as the olives and viridian's, are making it to the limelight. Accentuate your sofa cushions, couch leather, wallpapers, bed linens, and curtains with splashes of greens and browns. The colours create a sense of coziness in your living spaces.

Furniture Designs with Softer Edges

A large chunk of home decor has been influenced by the pandemic. Curved furniture with softer, rounded edges has contributed to creating a more soothing ambiance in homes and will continue to be preferred for the same. This, along with sculptural furniture brings a sense of luxury, sensuality, warmth, and comfort.

A Touch of the Outdoors

A lot of post-pandemic interactions have moved to the outdoors. This has emphasised the need for congenial outdoor furniture. Interior designers see decks and patios as essential addition to your homes to better entertain guests without much fuss. These installations will serve as an extension of your home and will reflect the same styles and moods as your primary living spaces. Read more about how to bring nature into your home.

Inculcating Sustainability

It’s about time consumers start making conscious choices. Traditional materials and vintage styles are making a comeback to contemporary decor. Repurposed vintage artefacts and furniture, natural, reusable, or recyclable raw materials like wood, clay, stone, and marble, and biophilic home decor will be here to stay. 

Bold and Lasting Styles

Homeowners are looking to create timeless pieces that will stay. Investing time to infuse your personal styles into your decor can make it feel unique and meaningful. 2022 will also see people move away from neutral shades and turn to bold patterns and colours. A colourful living space can help liven up your mood even on days when you’re feeling blue. It’s a win-win.

Decluttered and Mindful Spaces

The past few years have taught people to slow down and be more mindful. Home decor has evolved to reflect these changed attitudes. Creating mindful, decluttered living spaces that resonate with your interest, hobbies, and tastes will ameliorate your mental well-being. Homes in 2022 will be tinged with nostalgic and joyful elements, designed consciously to calm and comfort.

Multifunctional Living Spaces

This one’s a no-brainer. Multifunctional spaces trump the home decor must-haves list. Kitchens, bedrooms, and living rooms that double up as gyms or makeshift offices are going to be the new normal. However, it is key to retain a balance and avoid asymmetry or cluttering.

Taking the High Tech Road

Many technological advancements have enabled home decor to be a lot more futuristic, comfortable, and fun. Living spaces can be made immersive, engaging, and safe with enhancements such as motion sensors, security systems, cross-device alerts, and so on. Technology-infused home decor trends will be hot in 2022.

A Little Bit of Funk

3D Art decor, modern-day paintings, and travel-inspired decor are making their way into home decor. Homeowners are doing away with collecting the art of artists bygone and finding pieces that reflect the current times. Moreover, post-pandemic travelling will encourage travel-inspired sets too. Apart from that 3D art will be sought after to add a little bit of funk and cheer to home decor.

What’s NOT Hot?

Open Floor Plans

Homeowners are not keen on spending another stay-at-home period in a space with fewer or no rooms. Dividing home spaces into rooms improves functionality and enables privacy and quiet time, something that has become integral to our well-being during the past few years. 

End of the Gray Days

Home decor is doing away with the greys and the whites. Saturated, coloured rooms, patterned or wallpapered walls, backsplashes on cabinets, and floral designs are replacing everything white, beige, and grey.

Non-Functional Decorative Objects

Homes will no longer be loaded with useless decor and showpieces. Interior designs will truly begin to infuse functionality and make spaces for purpose.

Fast Furniture

The days of buying inexpensive pre-made furniture are bygone. Repurposing, antiquing old decor helps reduce waste and also adds sophistication and finesse to your living spaces.

Which of these home decor trends will you be incorporating into your home?

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